Polska wersja FAQ - najczęściej zadawanych pytań na temat czarterów jachtów na całym świecie oraz o agencji Czarterpartner

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searchterm:Montenegro, Italy, Slowenia
Question:Can I leave croatian waters and sail to Montenegro, Italy or Slowenia?
Answer:Charteryachts ion Croatia usually have sailing permisszion ZONA III. If the boat (and yacht) want to sail to Italy or Montenegro the chartercompany has to change the zone (to zone II), but for yachts (above 40 ft) it is expencive, not easy to do and it takes time. For the boats is much easier and not expencive: the boat has to have extra equipment on the boat, the harbourmaster has to check the boat and give permission for that boat, that period, that skipper for sailing in zone II.
The skipper has to have Yacht master licence and one of the crew has to have second licence (could
be B-category or similar). If permitted, the boats (and Yachts) must be insured for Adriatic sea. The skipper has to make check out on the last harbour before the border (with the ship) and leave Croatia straight without any further stop.
When coming back it is necessary to sail DIRECTLY to the PORT OF(croatian) Entry, do check in.

copyright by Charterpartner.pl International Yachtcharter Agency
